Raspberry Pi Geek 16

Welcome to Raspberry Pi Geek. In this issue, you’ll learn to replace a simple LED with more powerful and flexible BlinkStick devices. We’ll also show you how to use the Arduino 101’s onboard gyroscope, create a do-it-yourself Raspberry Pi case using a 3D printing service, and log data during a bike ride.



On the DVD

The Pi Wire

Using Q4OS on the Raspberry Pi for an all-around desktop

Tasty Combo

BlinkStick and Raspberry Pi

Blink Bling

Exploring the new Arduino/Genuino 101

Get to the Chopper!

Create a customized, 3D-printed case for the Raspberry Pi

Case Closed

Run Processing programs on your touchscreen RPi2

In Touch

Fast clocks, model railroads, LED displays, and more

Faster, Faster

SunRover Part 4 – Adding a Pi Camera and Diagnostics System

Rover Vision

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